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Tips For Cold Sores – Learn What You Can Do to Stop Them

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Cold sores are painful, itchy bumps that are usually found on the mouth or around the outside of the arm. There is no known cure, but there are several tips for cold soresthat can help to shorten the duration and reduce the pain of this condition. These tips may also be used as a prevention method for future outbreaks.

COLD SORES IN CHILDREN Health Feed : eDokita Health

Cold sores usually appear as red, irritated blisters that are either shallow or flat in shape. They can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the lips, face, or hands. The blisters may crack open and bleed, but they are not contagious. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and are contagious even when the infected area is not showing. People spread the virus when they touch the open sore, saliva, or open wounds. This spreads the virus further and can result in large numbers of outbreaks, making it very difficult to control.

Some of the things that make up your diet can affect your susceptibility to cold sores. You should limit your consumption of certain foods, especially those that contain high amounts of acidic content. These include sour cream, yogurt, excesses of Vitamin C, and meats that are not properly prepared. These foods break down the collagen in your skin, making it more susceptible to the virus. Also, you should avoid eating foods that contain scalloped edges, since these cuts have been known to cause the herpes simplex virus to grow faster. Some of the foods that you should eat to keep your immune system healthy are nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.

Some people find that taking an ibuprofen before exposure to a cold sore can help to shorten the duration of the outbreak. However, ibuprofen should only be taken during an active breakout instead of an inactive one. The pain associated with cold sores can be so excruciating that even this small measure may help to shorten the duration. Be sure to check with your pharmacist to determine the appropriate dosage of ibuprofen to take.

When a person is facing the onset of a fever blister, he or she should wash their hands as soon as possible. This will prevent contamination of the affected area with germs and viruses. After washing your hands, use an anti-bacterial soap to clean your lips, face, and other areas that come into contact with the blisters. This step is important to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Although most people suffering from cold sores want to get immediate relief, it is best to wait until the blisters have gone away. When they do, you will be able to assess your condition and see if further treatment is necessary. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the proper steps to take when there are painful outbreaks on your lips. These tips for cold sores are not only meant for advanced cases but also for those who are just learning to cope with the painful effects of this skin disorder.

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